If you have a complaint about our services or actions, we welcome the opportunity to assist you and resolve your complaint quickly and effectively in the first instance. If you're dissatisfied with the outcome, you can lodge a formal complaint.
Formal complaints
We have a formal Complaints Management policy and process in place to ensure customer complaints are resolved quickly and fairly. We're committed to providing our customers with quality service. We value your feedback as it assists us to improve our services and your customer experience.
If you're dissatisfied with a decision (for example, you recently applied to join the Scheme and were refused membership due to the type of work you perform), we have an internal review process in place to deal with these requests.
How do I lodge a formal complaint?
You may lodge a formal complaint by completing the QLeave Complaint Form.
Contact us to request a PDF form and return to us via:
Post – QLeave. PO Box 348, Archerfield BC QLD 4108
Email –
What happens to my complaint?
One of our staff members will acknowledge receipt of your complaint. Your complaint will then be directed to the business area best able to deal with it. We may contact you for further information during the process and we'll provide a written response to you once resolved.
How long will it take?
We'll acknowledge your complaint within three working days. We aim to provide a final response to complaints within 30 working days. We are committed to responding to your complaint in an effective and timely manner in accordance with the Queensland Public Service Customer Complaints management framework and guideline. If a matter is taking longer than expected, we'll contact you to advise of any delays.
Do I have to provide my name and contact details?
When you make a complaint, it will assist us if you provide your name, address and contact details together with detailed information describing your complaint and how you see the problem being resolved. We'll be unable to seek further information or let you know the outcome of an anonymous complaint.
Services available to you
If you need assistance in understanding the complaints process, please contact us and we'll help you. If you're having language difficulties in understanding the process, please phone (07) 3018 0333 to access an interpreter service.
If I'm not satisfied with QLeave’s response, what can I do?
If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can request that QLeave undertake an internal review or you may refer the matter to an external complaints management body such as the Queensland Ombudsman’s Office.