How portable long service leave works
What is QLeave?
QLeave provides a portable long service leave scheme for workers in Queensland's community services industry. The scheme started on 1 January 2021 and rewards you for your service to the industry by making sure you receive long service leave benefits, even if you change employers.
How does it work?
Each quarter, your employer submits a return detailing your wages and pays a levy to QLeave. When you have seven years of service recorded with QLeave, you’re entitled to 6.1 weeks of long service leave paid by us.
Entitlements are based on time spent in the industry rather than time spent with an individual employer. So, even if you change jobs, your employers will tell us how many days you’ve worked overall.
How much does it cost?
There is no cost to register with us. All employers in the community services industry pay a levy to QLeave and submit an employer return each quarter, showing the work and wages of their employees.
More information
QLeave is a statutory authority administering the portable long service leave scheme for workers and employers in the community services industry in Queensland.
The scheme was introduced to ensure that workers, within the community services industry, who have seven or more years recorded service can claim paid long service leave.