Employer obligations
1. Register
If you're an employer in the community services industry in Queensland and engage one or more eligible workers to perform community services work, you must register with QLeave. The scheme started on 1 January 2021.
Click here to apply to register as an employer.
2. Inform us of your workers' service each quarter
It’s a legislative requirement that employers give details to QLeave about their workers' service each quarter. You can do this when you complete your quarterly employer return.
Click here to view more information on the quarterly employer return process.
3. Pay a quarterly levy based on your workers' ordinary wages
You’re required to pay a levy each quarter based on the ordinary wages of your workers as reported on your employer return. The current levy rate is 1.35% of workers' ordinary wages.
Payment options include credit card and EFT.
Click here to view more information on paying the levy to QLeave.
4. Books and records
QLeave conducts random inspections of registered employers' books and records to check compliance with their obligations.
Click here to view more information on book and record-keeping requirements.
5. Long service leave claims
The portable long service leave scheme doesn't replace your obligation to pay long service leave to your workers under their industrial instrument.
If you pay long service leave to a worker under their industrial instrument, you may claim reimbursement from QLeave for some, or all, of the payment made to the worker. You will only be able to claim reimbursement for service that is recorded with QLeave (from 1 January 2021).
6. Keep your contact details up-to-date
Make sure you contact QLeave if you change your address or contact details.