Who and what is covered?
Workers covered by the Scheme
Eligible workers include tradespersons, trades assistants and labourers who perform building and construction work in Queensland and who are engaged:
- as a trainee or apprentice
- as a casual, part-time or full-time employee
- as a sole trader subcontractor (providing substantially labour only)
- as a foreperson or sub-foreperson (performing building and supervision work)
- by a labour hire company.
Some company directors who perform building and construction work may also be eligible to join QLeave.
When adding your workers, you'll need to tell us the type of work they perform by selecting the most appropriate option from the list provided. You can view this list here.
Employers who engage eligible workers must register with QLeave.
Some workers performing building and construction work aren't eligible to join QLeave. You can view a list of these workers by clicking here. If you engage only workers who aren't eligible to join QLeave, you're not required to register with the Scheme.
Building and construction work covered by the Scheme
From the Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 1991:
The “building and construction industry” is the industry of constructing, deconstructing, reconstructing, renovating, altering, demolishing, relocating, maintaining or repairing any of the following –
- buildings
- spa pool and swimming pools
- roads, railways, airfields or other works for the passage of anything
- breakwaters, docks, jetties, piers or wharves
- works for solid waste disposal
- works for subdividing or developing land
- works for improvement or alteration of a harbour, river or water course for navigation purposes
- works for storage of water or for flood mitigation
- works for the irrigation of land
- works for the conveyance, treatment or disposal of sewage or of the effluent from any premises
- works for extracting, refining, processing or treating materials or for producing or extracting products and by-products from materials
- works for conveying products, by-products or materials
- works for the drainage of land
- works for the storage of liquids other than water, or gases
- works for the generation, supply or transmission of electric power
- works for telecommunication or for the transmission of radio or television
- bridges, viaducts, aqueducts or tunnels
- chimney stacks, cooling towers, drilling rigs, gas holders or silos
- pipe lines
- navigation lights, beacons or markers
- pile driving works
- sporting or recreational facilities
- earthworks other than for farming
- fences other than fences on farms
- structures, fixtures or other works not included in paragraphs a) to x), but not including earthworks for farming or fences on farms.
- The “building and construction industry” also includes land clearing and site preparation other than for farming.
- The “building and construction industry” also includes the industry of, whether on or off-site –
- constructing a thing other than ordinary stock for sale, in accordance with working drawings
- deconstructing, reconstructing, renovating, altering, demolishing, relocating, maintaining or repairing a thing, other than ordinary stock for sale, constructed in accordance with working drawings
- The “building and construction industry” does not include the industry of performing maintenance or repairs of a minor nature to anything mentioned in sub-section 1 or 3 for a person not substantially engaged in activity mentioned in sub-section 1, 2 or 3.