I want to...
Notify QLeave of new work
What is included in the cost of work?
The cost of work is the total of all costs incurred by the owner (excluding GST) that relate directly and indirectly to building and construction work.
Direct costs include (but are not limited to): | Indirect costs include (but are not limited to): |
Fees incurred in preparing environmental impact statements and feasibility studies should be included in the cost of work, but may then be claimed as an exemption.
The cost of work determines the levy payable for each project, so it’s important you include all goods, materials, supplies and services whether sourced from within Queensland, interstate or overseas, to be used for work in Queensland.
If you’re notifying work for the person for whom the work is done (for example, you’re notifying on behalf of a person who has engaged you to build a home on their land), you must notify the total amount that your client has paid you for the construction i.e. the total contract value, including owner’s costs.
The work must be notified to QLeave with an estimate of the cost of work before a building application or development permit is issued (or before the work starts). At the conclusion of the project, you should notify us of the final cost of work within 30 days by completing a finalisation form.
Please note if your cost of work increases by $50,000 or more, you must notify and pay the additional levy to QLeave within 30 days. Penalties may apply if you fail to do so. If we haven’t received your final costs within 30 days, we’ll send you a reminder. Significant variances between the notified and finalised cost of work will result in an adjustment invoice, or refund provided by us.
Remember your indirect costs
The cost of work you notify to QLeave should include both the direct and indirect costs.
In many projects, there are indirect costs incurred prior to notification that should be included but are often left out. These may include site cleaning, town planning and fees for design, project management, engineers and quantity surveyors.
For major projects, these costs can be incurred years before a builder is appointed and work begins. However, they’re still required in the total cost of work, together with the direct and indirect construction costs.
You must submit a changes to building and construction or personal details form if you identify costs that were not included on your original notification.
If your project is running behind schedule, remember to notify us of your revised project end date.