My registration

Registration cancellation

We may cancel your QLeave registration if you haven't:

  1. recorded eligible service in Queensland for four consecutive years, and/or
  2. advised us of eligible service with an interstate scheme during this time.

We'll send you a letter or email advising that we intend to cancel your registration. You'll then have 28 days to respond and stop your registration from being cancelled by letting us know you're still working in the industry.

If we don't hear back from you by the date provided in the letter, your registration will be cancelled. Once this happens, we'll notify you in writing that your registration has been cancelled. You'll then have 45 days to lodge an internal review request with QLeave.

Once your registration is cancelled you will lose all your service days and won’t be able to claim your long service leave. If you return to the industry at a later date, your service days will start again from zero.


  • we’re not satisfied that you have been, or are, performing contract cleaning work
  • your registration was refused because your application contained information that was false or misleading
  • you've changed roles and you're no longer performing eligible contract cleaning work.

How can I stop my registration from being cancelled?

If we contact you advising that your registration is at risk of cancellation, you can stop this from happening by following the steps in the letter or email. You will need to provide supporting documentation as evidence that you've worked in the industry over the last four years, either in Queensland or interstate.

Alternatively, you can speak to your employer/s about adding your missing service. Find out more.